Palmerston North, New Zealand

Tag: Research

FIVERR and the Pros and Cons of Editing

FIVERR and Editing Once again, I have seen New Authors get caught up in messes with supposed Editors from FIVERR. I know there are many good ones out there, like with anything else, it’s a matter of finding them. RESEARCH every part of building your book. This is why our MOTTO is ‘Building Books One…
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FIVERR the Pros and Cons and How to Pick a Graphic Designer

FIVERR… The place many people go to get cheap work done, especially new authors and those who don’t understand the ropes of how to get the best out of FIVERR.  This post is to help you find your way, researching who to trust and when to run. It’s a bit like people using Vanity Publishing,…
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Fiverr and Images

Many new authors use Fiverr as a cheap place to go and get work done on their books, be it a book cover, images inside a book, editing or formatting. All I can say is please check and research anyone you use, especially from Fiverr and similar sites. Yes, there are some great people on…
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Scam Publishers…Beware, by Victoria Strauss (Writers Beware)

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware® I’ve been expending a lot of words and time lately warning about the latest scam phenomenon to hit the writing world: fake publishing and marketing companies that, through outrageous prices and worthless services, extract enormous amounts of money from unwary writers. Based in the Philippines (despite their apparent US addresses, phone…
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Reviews. Something we all love to have as authors and business people. We need them to show other people’s opinions about our products and services. They are important.  The last thing we do is delete them. Especially if you are learning your trade. My muse, Chloe King is an erotic author who writes on Inkitt.…
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My Journey into Creating a Publishing Company – Part Two

Here I was proud to be a Director of my own limited company. With a gentleman who was going to assist with Marketing in exchange for publishing a book and my daughter as a contractor to do Book Covers. My daughters hobby business is Ceejay Designs. Claudia was studying Graphic Design after being trapped in…
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Summoning Your Muse with Ruth Harris

THIS BLOG POST IS FROM ANNE R ALLEN YOU CAN FIND THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE GREAT POSTS.   Writing and The Hidden Power Of The Subconscious: Summoning Your Muse http://annerallen.com/2018/03/summoning-your-muse/   A visit from your muse: the gift you give yourself. by Ruth Harris “What The Subconscious is to every other man, in its…
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Sensitivity Readers!! REALLY

What is this world coming to.  I mean really?  Why can’t authors write fiction and say it like it is and do their own research.  Surely most adults can tell from a synopsis if a book would be to their liking or not.  I know I certainly put down books if they are not for…
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