Palmerston North, New Zealand


Word War is BACK – Affect/Effect

With Cac, the Proofreader WORD WAR is back. I will be doing these each Tuesday, and they will be much shorter than before…at least I will attempt that! Let’s go! Affect v. Effect. Affect is ??????? a verb. It means to impact or change. Transform. “How did that affect you?” Effect is ??????? a noun,…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader – Understanding Jokes…

A SPECIAL TREAT FOR THANKSGIVING FROM CATHY.   • An Oxford comma walks into a bar where it spends the evening watching the television, getting drunk, and smoking cigars.  • A dangling participle walks into a bar. Enjoying a cocktail and chatting with the bartender, the evening passes pleasantly. • A bar was walked into by the…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader – Allusion, Illusion & Elusion

Here we go again! It’s WORD WAR time! Today I’m bringing you something that is extremely confusing to so many: ALLUSION vs. ILLUSION vs. ELUSION. Let’s get to work. ALLUSION: figure of speech describing something, either direct or implied, often a comparison. Example: “He’s such a Romeo.” The reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo implies he’s very…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader – Already or All ready?

It’s WORD WAR time! Today I’m giving you a double dose of fun! ALL READY vs. ALREADY. This is actually very simple.   ALL READY means exactly what it says: completely ready, or all prepared, all done.   Example: “I am ALL READY to eat dinner.”   ALREADY means to come before, prior to a…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader – FEWER/LESS

Cac The Proofreader back with another WORD WAR! Today, LESS versus FEWER is on tap. And it can be quite tricky.   LESS basically means not as much and is used when you cannot count the items you’re referring to; in other words, if it’s a singular “mass” noun. Ask yourself if the noun in…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader

    It’s WORD WAR time! Let’s examine apostrophes, as they seem to be very widely misused and abused! Apostrophes are primarily used for three things: Let’s go…easy to more complex.   1) Contractions. Apostrophes replace omitted letters. In the phrase “They’re back,” the apostrophe replaces the “a” in the omitted word “are.” “Don’t do…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader

It’s WORD WAR time! I’m Cac The Proofreader, and today I’m serving up ME, MYSELF AND I, another one I see consistently misused. I am going to simplify this for you so your confusion will be a thing of the past! ME and I. “Between you and I” is incorrect because the word “I” cannot…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader

Cac The Proofreader back with another WORD WAR, and this one’s a double dose of fun! We’re going to look at two words, each of which has two spellings and different meanings. So I should say we’re looking at four words! Let’s dive in…   ALTOGETHER vs. ALL TOGETHER.   ALTOGETHER means “completely,” “in total,”…
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Word War with Cac the Proofreader

“Cac The Proofreader back with another WORD WAR! This is a word that is SO commonly misused/misspelled, and it is something I see pretty much daily: The word “it.” ITS versus IT’S. IT’S actually quite simple–pun intended! One shows possession; one is a contraction/combination of two words. If you want to show possession, omit the…
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Introducing Cac the Proofreader and her WORD WAR

I’d like to welcome Cathy Stiner to my blog with her WORD WAR. Cathy is a proofreader and has her own business called Hawk Eyes Proofreading. I will be blogging Cathy’s WORD WAR items every week and they will go out on a Monday. What I liked most about Cathy’s posts are the simple and…
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