EDITING 101: 16 – Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones…
The same word spelt different and with a different meaning. The two i tend to get wrong are Being & Been as well as There & Their…
The same word spelt different and with a different meaning. The two i tend to get wrong are Being & Been as well as There & Their…
The Welsh sure know how to put on a good show. The people of Llandeilo must be proud of their artists. I do wish other towns would follow suit world wide.
If you want to know how to use google Analytics, then have a look at this!
This is a brilliant piece of writing. Why I like assisting Indie Authors. Find an issue wrong and you can update…so simple.
Editing 101 – Part Three 🙂
Wordbuilding your world…
Some great points for Authors to think over.
Seven great ideas to remember for Book Launches
A new widget for those who dont’ speak or read English….
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