Post-Pandemic Publishing for Indie Authors @markcoker #smashwords — How To Ebook
Smashwordsby (Mark Coker) The COVID-19 pandemic will have far-reaching consequences for the business of publishing. In this post, I’ll brush off my imaginary crystal ball – usually reserved for my annual end-of-year predictions – and speculate on the impact COVID-19 will have on the post-pandemic publishing prospects for indie authors in the months and years […]
via Post-Pandemic Publishing for Indie Authors @markcoker #smashwords — How To Ebook
12 Responses
Thank you. This was an excellent article, both in terms of its analysis of present conditions, and the forecasts it makes for the future.
Welcome. I’m happy to share interesting articles of this kind 🙂
Mark Coker is a smart guy. 🙂
He most certainly is. Taught me a lot about formatting and style writing in my early days 🙂
I’ve never used Smashwords, but I have read some of his articles and they are consistently good.
I think the only thing i don’t like about Smashwords is having to save your manuscript file to an earlier WORD Doc… 97 i think it is. In the Six years I’ve published it’s never been updated.
It’s overall a pretty good site and easy to use. You just have to check your specifics like you do for all distribution websites.
Word 97? Wow…that would play merry hell if you did a lot of tricky formatting. I suppose they’d have to pay to get it updated. Knowing Microsoft, I doubt it would be cheap.
I love formatting. Not so tricky anymore. 🙂
lol – you’re a braver woman than I!
Thanks. I had always wanted to be a computer tech from way back. Sadly it didn’t happen so i’m in my element these days even though I still have much to learn.
High Five. I’m a baby geek too. 🙂