Palmerston North, New Zealand

Reblog Button Missing

Reblog Button Missing

I have no idea where my reblog button has gone.  I can’t reblog anything let alone my own work.  Is anyone else having issues?

Yes I do tap into the actual article…


18 Responses

  1. […] via Reblgo Button Missing […]

  2. Yes, I’m missing it too. Darned nuisance, it is!

  3. Another WordPress mishap.

  4. I thought it was just me!

  5. Apparently you need to use the W – PRESS THIS and it will reblog….Talk about an update they didn’t tell us about… 🙁

  6. I’m also noticing this on my own blog, which is too bad because I was planning to re-blog an old book review for my Thursday book feature since I haven’t had time to read any new books lately. This means I’ll have to do it manually by copying and pasting the old post. Darn it!

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