Palmerston North, New Zealand

Book Giveaway Sellers

Book Giveaway Sellers

Did you know that many Giveaways (print book) competitions authors run are an easy way for re-seller to get their hands on a FREE print book and then sell it? Generally with no royalty to you since you bought an Author copy in the first place.  With eBooks some have the technical ability to change into a PRINT as well though they will only have an ASIN Number.

Is there a way to stop this?

Red ribbon tied black book over white background

Possible.  Not sure what the laws say in other countries for PRINT books. What I have been told that it is illegal to on sell PROOF BOOKs.  So maybe it’s time to use these books as giveaways instead of losing our royalties.  After all we are technically writing them off as necessary part of being an author.  True there is no royalty with them, though there is also no resale.

What are the laws in your country on PROOF Books?  It’d be interested to find out.



6 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on Claire Plaisted – Indie Author and commented:

    Something i’d not thought about with Giveaways…

  2. […] Source: Book Giveaway Sellers […]

  3. Patty says:

    Hi, Claire, interesting read, and great question.

    Just reblogged at campbellsworld.wordpress.com

  4. Reblogged this on Don Massenzio's Blog and commented:
    Authors, check out this informative post from the Plaisted Publishing blog. Is this something you’re worried about?

  5. Toi Thomas says:

    Good thoughts. I’ve given away proofs before; I just made sure the winner clearly understood that it was a proof. I think it’s like giving away an ARC.

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