Palmerston North, New Zealand

Chris Hayes – #Awethor of Sci-fi

Chris Hayes – #Awethor of Sci-fi

Awethors.awethology.soonChris Hayes is a multi-lingual lady who writes Sci-fi stories. You can find her entry ‘A Martian Folk Tale,’ in Awethology Light.  Chris also participated in the editing of the Awethology’s which is greatly appreciated.

DSC_3100_webTell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a lifelong science fiction reader who decided late in life to try my hand at writing. My day job is working as a college health physician in southern Louisiana, USA, where I’ve lived pretty much my whole life. I speak English and French, and I enjoy learning about other languages and cultures.

What brought you to the world of writing?

I wanted to be a science fiction writer when I was a teenager, and actually got an original short story into a local sci-fi convention fanzine in 1976, but as I got older I got side-tracked by other things. After college, marriage, medical school, three kids, and 11 years of medical practice, I changed the course of my career and suddenly had enough free time to explore my creative side again. I discovered fanfiction writing at the age of 40 and played with that for a few years before my husband convinced me to try my hand at writing something I could sell. My first novel, a science fiction romance entitled Sikkiyn, was published in November 2014, but unless you count my youthful attempt in 1976 and numerous fanfics posted online, this short story collection will be the first time a short story of mine has appeared in print. 

What story have you entered into the Awethology and Why?

The story I’ve submitted is called “A Martian Folk Tale”. It was inspired by a writing prompt offered by Robert Silverberg in an editorial for Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine a couple of years ago. His concept was so bizarre it piqued my interest.

What type of books do you write and do they fulfill your reader’s needs?

I don’t really write to fulfill my readers’ needs. I write what I like to read, mostly science fiction with a side helping of romance.

Tell us about your short story.

I wanted to see if I could come up with a coherent story about an orchestra-conducting drug addict who defeats an evil overlord on Mars. I gave it my best shot.

What was your experience with #Awethors group and the Awethology?

I came across the group on Facebook and was impressed by their helpfulness and camaraderie. I was also an editor for the Awethology, so I had the opportunity to interact with several other authors and help them with their creative process. I enjoy that.

How do you promote your writing?

My marketing has thus far primarily been via Facebook, Twitter, and word of mouth. I also attend science fiction conventions and comic cons to interact with fans. I enjoy doing panels about writing science fiction.

Where can we buy your books?  

My novel, Sikkiyn, is available through my publisher, Solstice Shadows, and on Amazon.com (paperback and Kindle e-book), as well as Barnesandnoble.com (paperback).




Who are your favourite authors?

There are honestly too many to mention, but if I had to pick my top 10 they’d be (in no particular order):

Anne McCaffrey

Lois McMaster Bujold

Diana Gabaldon

Ursula LeGuin

Catherine Asaro

Jaqueline Lichtenberg

C.J. Cherryh

Andre Norton

Jacqueline Carey

Julie E. Czerneda

Social Media Links

My Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/sikkiyn?pnref=lhc

My website: http://www.chrisshayes.com/

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/chrishayesmd

Do you have any more information you’d like to share with us?

I’m in the process of writing a sequel to Sikkiyn in nearly every minute of my free time, but I still love to visit with readers and writers. So if you’re ever in south Louisiana, send me a Facebook message and let’s connect. I make a mean chicken and sausage gumbo.





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