Palmerston North, New Zealand

New Indie #Awethor Elizabeth Horton-Newton

New Indie #Awethor Elizabeth Horton-Newton

Awethors.awethology.soonElizabeth Horton-Newton is an #Awethor who started writing stories as a young child.  She writes wonderful stories and her short story “April Shower,” can be found in Awethology Dark.


Elizabeth Hrton NewtonTell us a bit about yourself.

I’ve been writing since I was a child. In fact, when I was in the fourth grade we had to write an essay on what would we like to be when we grew up. I wanted to be an author. It took me over fifty years to reach this point. Along the way I married, divorced, and married again, had four children, earned a college degree and a few certifications, explored more than one career, had five grandchildren, and finally retired and began the career I dreamed of when I was ten years old. 

What bought you to the world of writing?

When I took early retirement from my career in social work I finally had the time to write the stories that have been chasing around in my head for years. The ease of self publishing made the lifelong dream a reality. 

What story have you entered into the Awethology and Why?

Although both of my published books are romantic thrillers I have always enjoyed writing short horror stories. “April Showers” is one of what I call my small town horror stories. I like the easy, folksy tone of the story with the suggestion of something not quite right under the surface.

What type of books do you write and do they fulfill your reader’s needs?

I like writing mystery thrillers with romance tossed in. The stories are about ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. I think the everyday touched by the incredible is fascinating.

Tell us about your short story?

“April Showers” is a story that shows the past does not always stay buried. A freak flood brings long buried bodies to the surface in a small town. The story follows the reactions of townspeople to the flood and the discovery of the dead bodies. As the story progresses it becomes apparent there is more going on than a flooded cemetery giving up the dead. Small towns are interesting microcosms of the madness in the world at large and when examined closely reveal a dark underbelly that can be quite frightening. How much do we really know about our neighbours? Only what they choose to reveal.

What was your experience with #Awethors group and the Awethology?

The awethors group has provided a wonderful support group which, as a new indie author, I needed. The exchange of ideas both in writing and promoting books is invaluable. Sometimes we all need that virtual hug or pat on the back. It’s nice to have a group to bounce ideas off and know I’ll get an honest opinion. Awethology is a brilliant way to showcase one of my short stories. The idea of a group of indie authors having an outlet for their talents is awesome.

How do you promote your writing?

Besides using Facebook and setting up an author’s page as well as pages for my books I use other social media. I blog regularly; I review other books both indies and well known authors, book blog tours are a fun way to share my books, I use Twitter, I do book promos where I give away copies or offer them at reduced prices, I do book signings and readings locally, I’m on Linked In and various other sites also.

Where can we buy your books?   

My books are available on Amazon and Createspace. I have links to both sites on my author’s page and on Facebook.

Who are your favourite authors?

My absolute favourite author is Stephen King. I can’t say I love everything he’s written but on a hot or miss basis he has a lot more hits. I love Harper Lee, Linda Fairstein, David Baldacci, Ramsey Campbell, Clive Barker, and John Grisham among others. My favourite indie authors are Mark Fine, Anita Kovacevic, Ted Tayler, Benedict Martin, Jean Gill, Claire Stibbe, and Glen Barerra.

Social Media Links

Author Website: elizabethhorton-newtonauthor.com

Blog: http://elizabethnnewton.com/

Twitter: @redqueenliz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elizabeth-Horton-Newton/368956446609506

View: https://www.facebook.com/LeeOswaldView

Riddle: https://www.facebook.com/Riddlenovel

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/authornewliz

Stumble Upon: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/newliz0201/likes

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/elizabeth-newton/8/105/766

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gdn8FSmdao

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi78rbM_Tlg

Amazon Author: http://www.amazon.com/Elizabeth-Horton-Newton/e/B00NSET8JY/

Do you have any more information you’d like to share with us?

My husband, Neil Douglas Newton, is also a published indie author. We are currently working on a joint project.






7 Responses

  1. Lizzi Newton says:

    Reblogged this on Between the Beats and commented:
    Thanks so much to Plaisted Publishing and The Awethors for the opportunity to share my short story “April Showers”. It’s a dark tale about the secrets buried in a small town that float to the surface (literally). How well do you know YOUR neighbors?

  2. Lizzi Newton says:

    Thanks so much for mentioning my short story “April Showers”. The Awethology Dark and Light offer a wonderful multi genre/multi author collection of short stories.

  3. Reblogged this on Anita's Haven and commented:
    Liz rocks! Amazing woman!

  4. Can’t wait to read it!

  5. Reblogged this on Plaisted Publishing House and commented:

    Here is another of our wonderful Awethors. Here is hoping for another update. #Awethors #Awethology #shortstories

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