Palmerston North, New Zealand

Tag: ebook

How to Tell a Compelling Brand Story by Clifford Chi

Brand Storytelling is a new Marketing idea which has taken off.  Since many of us are Authors and Publishers we should have some great stories to tell… and below, they show you what you need to do.  For those authors who do Outlines…this should be a breeze. Start reading and click the link at the…
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Showcasing Author Clients

It has always been my belief that hard work shouldn’t go to waste. I also believe that if something is not a good fit in one place, there’s always a place for it elsewhere. The following showcase was deemed incorrect for a magazine I submitted to, so I’m sharing it here with you. Greetings to…
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Uploading your Self-Published eBook to Lulu

Welcome to the world of LULU Uploading.  As promised here is the second installment about UPLOADING…This time it’s for eBOOKS. WE start with picking what we wish to publish, of course this time it is the ebook we wish to do. So follow the images and I’ll explain what is what as you scroll through…
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Haunting you this Hallow’s Eve

Ghostly Writes Anthology 2016 It is that time of year again when authors love to haunt you with our scary, horror filled books that will thrill anyone who loves Halloween. Ghostly Writes Anthology, presented to you by Plaisted Publishing House, Ltd, New Zealand, with a selection of 26 Indie Authors from around the world.  This…
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