To Wattpad or Not to Wattpad

What a question!
Last year my client Chloe King looked into writing on Wattpad. Finding that Erotic Stories were acceptable she went ahead with her plan. Except it isn’t as clear cut as that at all. Not even by a small bit.
One story was reported and pulled down. No email to the author, no chance to save the story and chapters…nothing. It just disappeared… GONE. Luckily Chloe had most this particular story offline. However, she did email support…
A week…YEAH …a WEEK later they finally got back to her saying the book was reported, they looked into it and took it down.
It was all consensual sex scenes of a married couple exploring and trying to enhance their sex lives…
Chloe put the story back up under a different title, same book cover. It was getting great feedback, lots of reads…over 135k… WHEN…IT DISAPPEARED AGAIN. 135k plus reads…GONE. Her biggest book read.
Not only that, but another story also disappeared too. GONE, NO EXPLANATION, NOTHING. One lost chapter and another short story…with no backup. The short story was also totally consensual. Seven days ago, Chloe wrote to Support. No reply by day six…and she emailed them again…Still no reply.
As a business, I understand about taking down work which isn’t following guidelines, policies or terms and conditions etc. However, I would always email the author so they have an opportunity to update and or change something within the article which was reported. To wipe someone’s work…which was copyrighted…is beyond a joke.
I’ve since advised my client to leave WATTPAD. So far she hasn’t due to waiting on an email from them. I have no idea if she will or not. After all, she has over 170 followers as well…
As an author who has a few works on WATTPAD…I will be leaving.
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Thanks Patty
I looked at Wattpad and decided against it. I’m glad I did.
Chloe found another sight called Inkitt…decided to try it out…Bit different…Fingers crossed.
Be interesting to see how that feeds back.
Yeah… 🙂
Please do write about Inkitt, I am thinking about joining the site, but I am not yet sure if it’s a good idea. Thank you for writing this article, came as a warning to backup all my stories on Wattpad.
Inkitt – Is ok-ish. I will write about it. I will say one thing. They have good customer service.
And plus they have added many features which are not good.
Like what? I certainly don’t like their report system nor do I like their lack of customer service. My client is still waiting…. In fact she’s now taken down all but two of her stories.
I know it’s necessary for all those authors to earn but they monetised all the good contents and books. When I was using it easy back 4-5 years I used to read and there was no stopping but now I just can’t. Their algorithm and book suggestions as per me were better before compared to now.?
I know it’s necessary for all those authors to earn but they monetised all the good contents and books. When I was using it like 4-5 years back I used to read and there was no stopping but now I just can’t. Their algorithm and book suggestions as per me were better before compared to now.?
I wouldn’t even know how they monetise stories. I did notice the though. Chloe’s were always free.
This is really messed up. 135K reads and just gone. It’s completely unfair.
Which is why I no longer use it. My erotic muse is on Inkitt and has an adult blog. I just don’t write on Wattpad as an author.