Palmerston North, New Zealand

What is Free Flow Writing

What is Free Flow Writing

 Free Flow Writing

It’s not everyone’s cuppa tea, though I find it easier to do.  In fact I’m writing free flow right now.  The words are at my finger tips and they press the right keys on the keyboard giving you my opinion or showing you my learning curve.  My muses seem to insist on it.

What I like about Free Flow, is how my muses converse with me or block me because I’m not listening to them.  When they block me I usually open another manuscript and see if it’s muse is available.  Weird though it sounds, I also have character wars where my characters come into my office and yell at me because I’m not doing what they want, or they’re fed up with waiting for me to write.

“Go talk to the muse.”

Must admit my muses and characters are highly entertaining at times.  One character nearly got tossed off a plane without a parachute for his impertinence.

Anyway back to Free Flow.

I recommend this as a way to release your inner self without the stress of working at a certain time. Trying to write the part you wish rather than what the muse wants can (in my opinion) cause writers block. It’s like  you are arguing with what you think you need and what they say you need.  In the end it doesn’t really matter what order your story comes out in.  Chapters can be organised later.  Write what is there.  Make notes when an idea pops into your head.  Even a timeline of events will help with your plot.

Obviously I’m not a plotter or planner.  I’ve always said I’ve no idea where my stories come from.  They are there.  My fingers tingle so I try and work out what I am supposed to be doing, which manuscript I should be writing or open a new document.  Off I go.  This is probably why I’ve so many manuscripts on my computer.  I actually wish my muses would let me finish a few.

One of my clients started writing her book at least three years prior to meeting me.  It wasn’t working for her at all.  She was totally blocked.  During some words of encouragement I mentioned Free Flow writing and she asked me what I meant.

“Write what is there, rather than forcing yourself to write what you think is there.”

Well wow.  Her writing took off.  Over the next twelve months J C finished her book.  A few ups and downs, life and miracles. She couldn’t believe she’d finished.  The first time    J C held the proof copy of her book, she cried.  Amazed at herself.  Now she is looking at book two and three in the series.

This system may not work for everyone.  However, there is no reason not to give it a go if you get writers block.

2 Responses

  1. I like the idea of free flow writing – I do tend to be a structured plot person because the story shows up fully done in my head, so I sort of have to get it down in a format. That said, I do love writing out of sequence. Your idea there is right on for me. I will feel an immense draw to a particular scene, dramatic or not, and writing it out gets me closer to the characters. Currently, although plotted out, I am writing my novel from back to front- and it is working! Hope this works for others. 🙂

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