Palmerston North, New Zealand

#Awethor K S Marsden with a World of Experience

#Awethor K S Marsden with a World of Experience

Awethors.awethology.soonK S Marsden has certainly had a variety of jobs and places to live.  With this experience she writes Fantasy novels for teens and young adults.  You will find her short story ‘Kristen – Witch Hunter,’ in Awethology Light.

K S MarsdenTell us a bit about yourself.

I have lived in Wales, London, Ireland, and I am now back in lovely Yorkshire.

I have worked as a nutritional advisor, cocktail waitress, a horse-riding instructor, and a professional stallion handler (oh, the jokes…)

Oh yeah, and I’m a writer.  My first book was published in 2013; I write Fantasy for teens and adults.  I am allergic to romance, and only write it on special occasions.

What bought you to the world of writing?

When I was young, I always loved the pure escapism associated with stories and inevitably started to write my own.

I was first inspired to publish when I was going through a reading slump.  It seemed that all the books that filled the popular bookshops were either complete rubbish; or seemed like everything I’d read before.  I decided that if I wanted an enjoyable read, I might as well have a go at writing it myself.

What story have you entered into the Awethology and Why?

Kristen: Witch-Hunter

I have published the whole Witch-Hunter trilogy over the last few years, and I admit that I’m a little reluctant to let that world go!

The main trilogy follows a British witch-hunter – Hunter Astley – but there were several side-characters that I wanted to explore in a bit more depth.  Kristen Davies only came to life in the third part of the trilogy, and although she plays a huge part, I felt she had a lot more to give.

If people have half as much fun reading about her, as I did writing – then I’ll be very pleased!

What type of books do you write and do they fulfill your reader’s needs?

I write Fantasy books, with the Enchena series suitable for teens, and the Witch-Hunter series suitable for teens/adults.  I’m a huge geek and do a lot of research into the background, and it’s got to make sense.  I can’t rest if I know there’s a clash of facts.

I hope I fulfil my reader’s needs – you’ll have to ask them!

I love getting feedback, good, bad or otherwise.  If I build a world, or just one character, that stimulates a response or opinion, I consider that a win.

Tell us about your short story?

Kristen Davies has plans; graduating high school, and making the most of being the school’s star athlete.  Her plans don’t involve witches, but what’s a girl to do when evil strikes.

Kristen is awakened to the very real threat of witches, and has to dredge up her forgotten roots, to take her rightful place.

What was your experience with #Awethors group and the Awethology?

I have loved my time in the #Awethors group.  They offer constant friendship and are always there to give advice.  With their support, I finally feel that I am a professional writer.

As a reader and blogger, I love that they offer a range of fantastic books, covering all genres.  My kindle is bursting!

I was thrilled to take part in the Awethology.  Writing my own story was just a blur in the background, but I have marvelled at the effort that everyone else has put in – the editors and proof-readers that have given their time freely; those that already have the marketing up-and-running, and image designers.

How else do you promote your writing?

I use Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.  The first book in the Witch-Hunter trilogy is free, so it’s usually listed on other newsletters and websites, with very little effort on my part.

Where can we buy your books?  

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, iTunes, Kobo, Google Play.

Who are your favourite authors?

That depends on what I’m reading at the moment!  I’ve just read a spooky YA anthology with six fantastic indie authors, including Kelly Hall and CK Dawn.

Social Media Links

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6905238.K_S_Marsden

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KSMarsden

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/KSMarsden

Website: http://kellymarsden.wix.com/home

Blog: http://thenorthernwitchbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

Do you have any more information you’d like to share with us?

I really struggled with writing this short story – Kristen has such a life, and makes such an impact on those around her, I could have filled a novel!

For the Awethology, my awesome editor (Pam Elise Harris) and I decided to remove the original epilogue, as it only really seemed to make sense for those that have already read the Witch-Hunter trilogy.  But for true fans that are curious about this little nugget, there will be a special link on my blog and website for them to get their Witch-Hunter fix!


8 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on Plaisted Publishing House and commented:

    Let’s find out how K S Marsden is. Fives years on…I know she’s still writing. Please update us on what you’re doing these days.

  2. […] posted on Plaisted Publishing House: K S Marsden has certainly had a variety of jobs and places to live. With this experience she […]

  3. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been five years since the Awethology release!
    In many ways, nothing has changed, I’m still a part of the Awethors group; and I’m still living in Doncaster.
    (In non-book news, I bought a house the summer, with the guy I just started dating 5 years ago!)

    I still have a day job, giving people advice on horse feed, which gives me freedom to write in my spare time. I think the last five years have shown me that I don’t want to change this routine, as it works for me – even if I could write full-time, I don’t think I would.

    I have published a further five books in the last five years, and I love that there’s always something new to learn as the publishing industry moves forward in exciting ways.

    My new books include two more Witch-Hunter prequels to sit alongside Kristen.
    These are full-length novels:
    James: Witch-Hunter – is a light-hearted look at how James gets dragged into the world of witch-hunting.
    Sophie: Witch-Hunter – is a darker book, looking at Sophie’s formative years.
    (I am also planning on re-writing and publishing Kristen as a full-length book!)

    I also have a new series, in which witches are good (mostly). Despite being the newer addition to my catalogue, the Northern Witch series is out-selling the rest!
    The first book – Winter Trials – is free to download. It follows Mark, a witch-in-training, and his new boyfriend who happens to be possessed by a demon.
    There are currently three books in the series, with a fourth out in Spring 2021.

    I have several other projects that are still waiting for their turn, including more books with demons; an epic fantasy; and even a contemporary story!

    • Wow. Those books sound amazing, especially for this time of year. It All Hallow’s Eve (traditionally wise) here in NZ though I’ve since learnt that our Halloween should be celebrated on the last day of April and 1st May due to the opposite seasons.

      Thank you for the update, It’s great to catch up again.

  4. barbaraspencero says:

    I needed more about the author and snippets from her books please!

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