Palmerston North, New Zealand

Book Cover War Winners continue with – Paul White

Book Cover War Winners continue with – Paul White

Three Thriller Authors Win Book Covers Wars Genre

Introducing Paul White


DSCF0123What inspired your Book Cover?

I wanted an image that reflected the bewilderment of tragedy.

Who is your Designer and where did you find them?

I created the cover myself

Are images used chosen by you or your artist?

I chose the images. I have two, still uncertain as to which one I shall finally use.

How much say did you have in your cover?

Just enough to give the perspective purchaser an insight to the content. The idea is to haveLife in WarZ ver 5 them read the back cover where a little more description can be given to entice them further.

Where do you get your images from?

Both the images I am considering are from the same professional. There is a copyright fee involved.

alt2 (1)How would you recommend them to others?

Unless you know of a photographer whose images will suit your work, scour the image sites & Google. Then find who, if anyone holds the copyright. You can negotiate fees. Remember the image is their work, they deserved to be paid royalties as much as we writers do.



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