Palmerston North, New Zealand

The lovely L G Surgeson from Wales.

The lovely L G Surgeson from Wales.

Awethors.awethology.soonWales – with the best rugby team in the world – well after the All Blacks.  Anyway, meet L G Surgeson who lives in one of the two most gorgeous countries in the world today – WALES.  Another awesome #Awethor with a short story in Awethology Light.

12170521_10153694643051410_697544871_nTell us a bit about yourself.

I am a teacher and a writer. I live in the wilds of Mid Wales, in a cottage by a river with my long suffering partner and our two cats. I like to grow things and pickle them and play the piano – sometimes at the same time. I write in the spare time I create by ignoring the housework. The two cats that like to help; they aren’t good at it.

What bought you to the world of writing?

I’ve always written stories, ever since I was old enough to string the words together. My first ‘book’ was produced when I was at the tender age of 8, with the help of my mother. In the intervening 27 years I’ve written stories, novels, poetry, articles, resources and roleplay scenarios almost constantly due to being unable to stop myself.

What story have you entered into the Awethology and Why?

The story I have put into The Awethology is called ‘She Was Like The Island’, it’s a story I’ve had hanging about for a while and it seemed like a good fit as the Awethology was so open-ended.

What type of books do you write and do they fulfill your reader’s needs?

My main series in Fantasy Adventure, The Black River Chronicles. I also write fiction books but most of those are still under the radar or not yet in the public domain. I hope they fulfill my readers’ needs – I assume they do or they wouldn’t bother reading them again and again.

Tell us about your short story?

‘She Was Like The Island’ is one of those stories that evolved from the title and first line. ‘She was like the Island, stark, beautiful and at her best after a storm’ just came to me one day driving home from work and the rest of the story toppled into place in the following week or so. It’s the story of Lesley, who has lived on a remote island for years and who is suddenly faced with a woman from the long distant past.  The story explores the events that follow what turns out not to be just a chance meeting in an evocative and emotional journey through twenty four hours of Lesley’s life.

What was your experience with #Awethors group and the Awethology?

I love being part of the #Awethors, it’s a great group –very welcoming and warm, and as a relatively shy and unconfident person it’s been a real booster for me in terms of writing. No one treated me with disdain when I was new to the group, everyone made me feel like I was allowed to dive straight in – which in a group like #Awethors is very rare – there’s no inner clique. It’s brilliant. It’s also an amazingly motivated and supportive community, not only through joint ventures but also in terms of supporting each other on an individual basis. The Awethology went from idea to production in a surprisingly short amount of time and people were so willing to help that I felt comfortable volunteering to proof-read.

How do you promote your writing?

I have a blog, (actually I have 3 but 1 is dedicated to The Black River Chronicles, the other 2 are non-fiction) , social media accounts and I also take every possible opportunity offered to be featured or interviewed on other authors’ blogs. I’ve just done a youtube interview with ODNT Spotlight.

Where can we buy your books? 

The Black River Chronicles are available on Amazon.


Who are your favourite authors?

Without a doubt Sir Terry Prachett is my favourite author, may he rest in peace, but as well as the inimitable Sir Terry I also love Jasper Fforde, Tom Holt, Ben Aaronavitch, Neil Gaiman & P.C  Wrede in the ‘fantasy’ genres and Stella Rimmington & Ellis Peters when it comes to fiction – both women are so clever and knowledgable about the areas in which they write it’s a real inspiration to me as a writer.

Social Media Links 

Twitter: @LGSurgeson

FB: https://www.facebook.com/LG-Surgeson-334923476536638

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lgsurgeson

Blog: https://aberdduadventures.wordpress.com

Do you have any more information you’d like to share with us?

My latest novel is in the process of collecting votes to be published by SOOPLLC.com.

It’s a tale of a con-man and 4 street –kids with a plan to live the high life.  I couldn’t let the opportunity pass to mention – please vote for my book http://soopllc.com/blog/book-ideas/ratatatat-lilian-surgeson/?doing_wp_cron=1438803904.3990669250488281250000







One Response

  1. LG Surgeson says:

    Reblogged this on The Black River Chronicles and commented:
    My lovely publisher – or should I say OUR lovely publisher – posted my interview for the #Awethors Awethology

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